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Roots of Our Food

Chapman students were paired with high school Students to produce a film festival called the “The Roots of our Food”, the project asked students to document the origin stories with their families regarding their food. The virtual event invited community members, parents Chapman dignitaries to demonstrate the films produced. The event was a success, hosted more that 50 participants beyond our classroom.

Spicy Soup

A Word from Dr. Rodriguez...


"IES 295: Fieldwork and The Santa Ana Youth Media Project is a course I created in collaboration with the renowned Educational Video Center in New York. The course is centered experientially within the lens of Critical Media Literacy. The course collaborates with a project I founded at Chapman University called the Santa Ana Youth Media Project. The Project focuses on documenting local youth stories, and narratives as they amplify youth self-determination and community expression. The project has Attallah College Institutional and financial support funded by the Klein Foundation. The course situates critical media literacy as a central tool whereby students at chapman in collaboration with local community youth can both critically interpret media messaging as well as document youth context. I designed this course to emphasize that stories and narratives matter, one example of how I embody this idea is by putting on a film festival in the Fall 2020 in collaboration with Century High School TEACH Academy, The Heritage Museum of Orange County, The Orange County Community Collaborative, and the Attallah College of Educational Studies."

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